Goodbye Blogspot! Hello WordPress


So I finally moved from Blogger to WordPress! The toughest decision I have made so far this year. I lost followers, subscribers and thousands of views. I am here on WordPress and my most popular blog has zero comments, zero views, nothing , zilch. Hell the entire blog has 174 views for its 3 day existence. I even questioned myself if I made the right move? Then I remembered, Blogger lost all my comments when I changed themes, Blogger wouldn’t allow me to follow other bloggers, Blogger made it difficult to just make a simple comment on a blog , with blogger i was isolated and Blogger owned my content. Blogger is a tyrant. With all these errors I felt like i bought a row boat with about a million leaks in it.

As a rookie Blogspot was awesome and user friendly. Insanely easy that you can manage it like Facebook. But I matured as a blogger, the levels changed from an occasional blogger to branding myself as a renowned personality and writer. I needed WordPress community support and its professional outlook. I am not tech savvy, I absolutely had no idea on how to import my content to WordPress. I thought it was going to be the mass exodus of 40 years in the wilderness, parting of the red sea and a relief shower of manna. So I pestered my tech savvy nerdy husband  to help me with the migration. The man put me on hold for three months! On a different note he has a wonderful blog about digital marketing 


I decided to put matters in my own hands and studied a couple of articles on how to migrate from Blogspot to WordPress. The adage ” ignorance is bliss” is an understatement. Ignorance is death. Importing content from Blogger to WordPress is easy as pie. * face – palm* it took me about five minutes to do it. Here are the easy steps on how to import content from Blogger to free WordPress.

1. Create a WordPress blog

2. When you’re logged in to Blogger, go to Settings n’ Other and click “export blog.” This generates an .xml file with all your blog’s content. Save it wherever you like to save stuff.

3. To find the importer, log in to and then add /wp-admin to the end of your home page URL.

4. You’ll see admin options down the left sidebar. Second from the bottom is “Tools” — hover over that one, select “Import” from the menu that appears, and pick Blogger.

5. Click Choose File find the .xml file you just saved, and select it. Then, click Upload the file and import

I had some fun customizing my blog, picking new themes, adding widgets and that share function? Loved it! My blog is automatically publicized on all of my social media platforms the moment I post it. I get to reblog other blogs, I am like kid at the chocolate factory with all these amazing features. It is easy to engage with the WordPress community, finding great reads and catching up with blogs to follow. Goodbye Blogger. Home is where I am and I look forward to growth in views, subscribers, followers and ultimately as a blogger.


 In the words of John Keats
“Nothing ever becomes real ’til it is
experienced.” Its a brave new world.

23 Replies to “Goodbye Blogspot! Hello WordPress”

  1. Hi ^_^
    welcome to wordpress …. it totally rocks (if you ask me I think this is the best decision you have made all year lol)
    look forward to reading more of you


      1. Well welcome and we are glad you’ve joined us. And yes I agree the community is on point. I have made some really awesome friends here and you meet and connect with bloggers from all over the world.

        Liked by 1 person

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